Plot to Plate - Courgette Salad

Courgettes! Hit peak summer and we all have too many, so here’s a quick recipe to enjoy as a cold salad or added to pasta for a simple dinner dish. This dish works best with small, young courgettes and is especially nice with yellow Luneor varieties.

  1.  Courgettes are really nice raw! Use a box grater or sharp knife to very thinly slice the courgettes into rounds, almost see through.

  2. Add a pinch of salt, a good grind of black pepper.

  3. Add fresh herbs such as mint, basil and dill, plus the grated zest of a lemon, lemon juice and a good glug of virgin oil, olive or rapeseed.

  4. Toss together and let it sit for 20 minutes before serving to allow the flavours to develop.

  5. You can add pasta and feta to this to make a main course salad or just have as a tasty side.


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