Plot to Plate - Garden Frittata

This is one of our favourite garden suppers and can be adapted throughout the year depending on what’s in season. Try fresh spring spinach and wild garlic, summer courgettes with peas and herbs, or colourful winter chard. No rules!

  1. Chop up your selected vegetables and fry gently in oil or butter in a non-stock pan for a couple of minutes until heated through.

  2. Beat 2-3 eggs in a bowl (more if you are feeding a hungry crowd!). Season with salt and pepper. You can also chop in fresh herbs at this point. Chives, oregano, basil and parsley all work really well.

  3. Add the egg mix to the pan, pouring over the top of the warmed vegetables.

  4. Let it cook gently until it has set underneath.

  5. Grate over some cheese - a sharp Lancashire is delicious and Feta adds a lovely salty flavour.

  6. Pop the pan under the grill (not the handle if plastic!) to melt the cheese and set the top of the omelette.

  7. Allow to cool and slice into quarters.

    Frittata is great for lunch boxes or add some summer leaves (or garden chips!) for a bigger meal.


Growing Stories - Prenton Community Garden


Growing Stories - Emmaus Beautiful Garden