Growing Stories - Prenton Community Garden

Each month we take a trip to one of the network’s amazing growing projects to find out a bit more about the plot, the people, the harvests and the hopes. This month we are catching up with the gardeners at Prenton Community Garden on the Wirral, a project run by volunteers at Prenton Rugby Club which helps to supply produce to the local community and food banks.

“Don’t be too disappointed when some things fail to thrive… it’s a learning curve, try something different.”

What is your growing project called? And where can we find you?

We are Prenton Community Garden and you can find us at Prenton Rugby Club on the Wirral.


Tell us a bit about your project… what do you grow, how many people are involved, who uses your produce?

There are about twelve people involved. This year we have grown, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflowers, sweetcorn, red cabbage, lettuce, strawberries and chilies as well as flowers. The produce goes to our volunteers, visitors and we supplied potatoes to local Tenant and Resident’s association for their food bank.


How long has your project been running?

We started in 2020.


What activities do your volunteers and workers take part in?

Gardening, hard landscaping, construction.


What would be your 3 top tips for starting a food growing project?

 1. Manage your expectations. Don’t be too disappointed when some things fail to thrive as it’s a learning curve, just try something different.

2.      Research what you want to grow to see if your space is suitable.

3.      Make sure that you have access to compost or can start making your own.

“There is nothing like eating a tomato directly from the plant.”

What is your favourite food to grow?

Potatoes are our biggest success but there is nothing like eating a tomato directly from the plant.


And what garden tool could you not live without?

So many, from a fork to a ball of string!


What is the most exciting thing about community food growing?

Seeing people enjoy the fruits (and veg) of your labour.

Tell us what’s next for your project? What are your plans and dreams for the future?

·       We need to keep improving the quality of our soil through composting.

·       We want to encourage more people to get involved including local primary school.

·       Ultimately, we want to maximise the use of our space.


 Where can we find out more about your project?

You can email us at, and we are working on a Facebook page.



Plot to Plate - Leafy Herb Pesto


Plot to Plate - Garden Frittata